YubiKey 5 NFC: Guarding Your Information

YubiKey 5 NFC: A Hardware Key.

What’s new in the 5th model? It now supports FIDO2 and, directly, NFC.


YubiKey does not ship their products to China, Afghanistan, Russia, Ukraine, North Korea, Iran, Sudan, and Syria, so alternative methods must be sought.

I received my key by ordering it to a hostel address in Britain, where I was at the time. I think various forwarding services can handle this too.


One key cost me $62.50 ($45 for the key, $5 for shipping, $12.50 in taxes).

You can order 1, 2, 10, or 50 pieces. A discount appears on orders of 10 or more (though it’s quite modest).


There is a Yubico Authenticator app available for the following platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, iOS.



  • Yubikey
  • Hardware
  • Authentication
  • Yubico
  • Шифрование